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V1.31 Update - 6th March 2024

Player Weights removed - UPDATED​

Player Weights were removed from the Season player records in v1.30. In this update, they have also been removed from the Match player records.

Ladder Endpoint Round Zero​

In this update a fix has been made to the ladder endpoint should it be called using roundNumber 0. It will now return the ladder for Round 0 (aka Opening Round) rather than the default ladder.


If you have applications using ladder roundNumber 0 for the default ladder, they will need addressing as of this update, as they will now return the round 0 ladder.

Metres Gained Metrics​

This update adds 7 metres gained metrics returning the number of metres gained from various events. These metrics are avaialble at a Player and Squad level from the following endpoints:

Kick Metres Gained
Metres Gained via kicks, measured from the point of the original possession to the next possession or stoppage.
Handball Metres Gained
Metres Gained via handballs. Measured from the point the original point of possession to the next possession or stoppage.
Other Metres Gained
Metres Gained not via disposals.
Disposal Metres Gained
Metres Gained via disposals. Measured from the point the original point of possession to the next possession or stoppage.
Assisted Metres Gained
Total metres gained by a teammate that receives an uncontested possession from your disposal.
Net Metres Gained
Metres Gained plus Assisted Metres Gained.
Metres Gained Retained
Metres Gained where the disposal/possession was retained.