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V1.29 Update - 9th February 2024

Custom Match Statistic Query Endpoints​

This update has added two new match statistic endpoints that can be called with multiple custom queries to retrieve multiple sets of results with just one request to the API. These new POST endpoints are significantly faster than the existing GET endpoints, with the trade off in complexity in both submitting the request and processing the response.


Please review the documentation for these endpoints via the links above and/or Swagger for several examples on how to submit queries. As ever, please reach out to us if you have any questions and we'll be happy to guide you through using them.

Interchange Cap Count Metric​

This update has made this metric available to all API consumers. It is a Squad level metric available from the following endpoint:

Interchange Cap
The number of player rotations used from the official Interchange Cap.

Absence at Centre Bounce Metrics​

This update adds 4 metrics that retun how many centre bounces a player was not involved in. They are available at Player level from the following endpoint:

Centre Bounce Absence
The number of times the player didn't start inside the centre square at a centre bounce.
Centre Bounce Absence Win
The number of times that a player was absent from the centre square at a centre bounce and that player's squad won the clearance.
Centre Bounce Absence Loss
The number of times that a player was absent from the centre square at a centre bounce and the opposition squad won the clearance.
Centre Bounce Absence Neutral
The number of times a player was absent from the centre square at a centre bounce and neither squad generated a clearance for that centre bounce (ie. secondary stoppage called).

Forward Kick Metrics​

This update adds three kick metrics returning the number of forward kicks from set or non-set positions. They are available at both Player and Squad level from the following endpoints:

Kick Forward
The number of kicks sent towards attacking goal.
Set Kick Forward
The number of kicks sent towards attacking goal from set position possessions.
Non Set Kick Forward
The number of kicks sent towards attacking goal from non set position possessions.

Inside 50 Target Retention Metrics​

This update adds 3 metrics that return the number of Inside 50 targets that retained possession. They are available at both Player and Squad level from the following endpoints:

Inside 50 Target Team Retained
The number of Inside 50 targets that resulted directly in a teammate's possession.
Inside 50 Target Player Retained
The number of Inside 50 targets that resulted directly in a possession to the targeted player.
Inside 50 Target Player Mark Retained
The number of Inside 50 targets that resulted directly in a mark to the targeted player.

Inside 50 Target Scoring Metrics​

This update adds 3 metrics that return the number of Inside 50 targets that produced a goal or behind. They are available at both Player and Squad level from the following endpoints:

Inside 50 Target Player Behind
The number of Inside 50 targets where the target player was able to convert the entry into a behind.
Inside 50 Target Player Goal
The number of Inside 50 targets where the target player was able to convert the entry into a goal.
Inside 50 Target Player Score
The number of Inside 50 targets where the target player was able to convert the entry into a score.

Clanger and Error Metrics​

This update adds the CLANGER and ERROR_NO_PRESSURE metrics, which are available at both Player and Squad level from the following endpoints:

The number of errors made by a player resulting in a negative result for his side.
Disposal clangers are any kick or handball that directly turns the ball over to the opposition. Free Kicks & 50 metre penalties against, No Pressure Errors, Dropped Marks, Ball-Up Kick-Ins and Debits are all included in clangers.
No Pressure Error
The number of times a player fumbled or lost possession of the ball whilst under little or no pressure from the opposition.

Scoreboard Impact Metric​

This update adds the SCOREBOARD_IMPACT metric that returns how much impact each player had on their team's scoring. It is available at Player level from the following endpoint:

Scoreboard Impact
A player's total amount of points scored from goals and behinds plus points scored from score assists.

Goal and goal assists equal six points each. Behinds and behind assists equal one point each.

Ineffective Clearance Metric​

This update adds the Ineffective Clearance metric which the number of clearances that were turned over while leaving the stoppage area. It is available at Squad level from the following endpoint:

Ineffective Clearance
The number of clearances that were turned over while leaving the stoppage area.