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V1.15 Update - 19th July 2023

Transactions Endpoint – Early Access

The match transactions endpoint is now available for early access, for every organisation subscribed to the 'Transactional' AFL license tier.

How do i get access to the endpoint?

Early access to the transactions endpoint is opt-in. Please send an email to Champion Data Support to request access for your organisation. Access will be granted on the API side – and once done, will allow you to successfully execute requests against the endpoint. Until access has been granted the endpoint will return a 403 error.

Note: access will only be granted to organisations that are subscribed to the Transactional tier.

Why is this only Early Access?

This is the initial version of the transactions endpoint, and we are actively seeking feedback to quickly improve it in the coming weeks. These improvements may require making “breaking changes” to the MatchTransaction model and we’re keen to get it to the point it is at its most effective without resorting to moving the API schema to v2.0.

So while you are welcome to use the endpoint (and it does deliver real match data), be aware that an upcoming update of the AFL API may change it to the extent your consuming applications may not work anymore. Therefore we strongly recommend you do not connect any match day applications to this endpoint while it remains in early access. We will provide notice of an upcoming breaking change where possible.

When will the Early Access period end?

At the latest, by the end of September 2023. When the early access period ends, all organisations subscribed to the 'Transactional' license tier will be granted access to the endpoint. No further breaking changes will be applied from then on, outside of updating the API schema version.

Where can I give my feedback?

We’re extremely interested in hearing about how you’re getting on with the transactions endpoint – while in early access we will be prioritising improvements as a result of feedback.

Send your feedback via an email to the AFL API Product Owner, Nick Eggleton ( who will ensure it is recorded and evaluated for future improvement consideration.

Tackle Metrics

This update adds two match squad metrics that return the number of tackle attempts and their tackle efficiency. These metrics are available for Squads as follows:



Tackle Attempts

The number of times physical contact was made with a player in possessions of the ball that attempted to prevent an effective disposal.


Tackle Efficiency

The percentage of tackle attempts that result in an effective tackle.

Entries Endpoint - Kick Details

This update adds more detail about Inside 50s resulting from kicks to the entries endpoint. The following details are now returned as part of the MatchEntry model:

  • Kick direction, distance and intent
  • Which foot was used to kick
  • Whether it was a ground kick
  • The pressure applied to kick

To see the updated schema, refer to kickEntires